Gone are the days of boring corporate headshots... And while, yes - AI can make some REALLY legit looking headshots of you appear out of thin air... I'm here to rant about the power of real photography, and why it's not going anywhere.
First, let me start by stating the obvious: AI cannot capture your authenticity no matter how hard it tries. YOU know it's fake, most of US know it's fake - and is that what you want your children to look back on one day? Computer-generated images of you? Hard. Pass. I don't care if it's "just a headshot for work" - if it's not real, it's not you. Your spirit cannot be captured in AI.
Don't get me wrong - I'm a big fan of AI for a lot of reasons, but image-creation AI actually hurts my soul. Not because I'm worried it will replace my job, I have zero fear of that. It hurts my soul because photography used to be evidence - proof of experiences, proof of HISTORY. If it was photographed, or filmed - you couldn't deny it happened. There was evidence... and thanks to AI, we can no longer trust a photograph or a video... and as someone who is a deeply passionate photographer, that truly crushes me. So in case you were wondering, the answer is yes... I am hardcore ANTI-AI for imagery and video creation. I am pro-real life, real authenticity, real human emotions. But I'll take the AI remove tool, because that works pretty well for getting those pesky beach-goers out of the background of my family sessions on the beach.
I'm going to circle back to head shots and branding now... I once heard this line and it has stuck with me, "Marketing is asking someone to dinner. Branding is the reason they say yes."
That statement makes so much sense. This article written about me and published by World Reporter is chalk-full of great tips and advice about personal brand photography. Give it a read if you want to some inspiration!
As an Orange County Brand Photographer - a true brand photographer, I really stress the importance with my clients about blending professional and personal into your brand. We dive deep into your business, your messaging, and your core values so that we can tie them together and brand YOU. It's so easy to want to hide behind your business, your products, your work - but the truth is, the most important element of your business - is YOU. So with a professional brand session, we aren't going to let you hide. And please - get out of here with, "I just need a couple quick headshots." That's not what we do ;-)
Why not? Because personal branding is DIFFERENT. Personal branding in Orange County and around the world - is about YOU. Think of it this way: you follow a couple of estheticians because you love good skincare tips and you're all about that anti-aging stuff. If you follow 4 or 5 of them, but you don't know who any of them actually are... will you trust their products? If four of the five show products and tips, facts about skincare, lots of great educational stuff but you don't know who they actually are... and ONE of the five has her own face all over her feed along with skincare tips, amazing products, AND you see that she is a single Mom, loves hanging out in Huntington Beach, and enjoys a good tequila... which of the five will you remember the most? Which of the five will you be most likely to purchase from? (PS - that girl is my client @your.esthi.christal - go check out her feed and you'll know exactly what I mean.)
I'll answer for you... the one who shows her face and you know things about her. Why is that? Because you feel like you know her, you like her, and this makes you trust her more than the others AND want to invest in her products. THIS is the power of personal brand photography... and this is why it's different.
If you're looking for a brand photographer in Orange County - look no further. We are right here for you!