But did you know that only 2% of the clients who come through my doors for the first time, when asked what they did with the digital files from their previous session say they actually printed something?
Think about it. When was the last time you printed a photo? I get it... we want to share on social media. We THINK having the digital files is how we keep our photos forever. Can I tell you something else? This year alone (and it's only March) - I've had 3 clients from 8 + years ago come back and ask me for their Wedding photos again because their computer crashed and... they didn't get an album, they didn't print their photos, they lost everything.
Lucky for them - I am one of the most paranoid Photographers in Orange County... maybe the world... and I still had their files on my cloud and my server. BUT ... I'm not legally obligated to keep them. My contract states that I will hold onto them for one year. They got lucky this time! They're also all so sweet that they offered to pay me for them a second time. But that's not my style. I love my clients, and I am happy to save the day when I can.
Now here's the really good stuff: Studies such as the 1975 study by Ammermann & Fryrear have shown that children who regularly see photos displayed in their homes tend to have higher self-esteem than children who don't. Psychologist David Krauss emphasizes that these photos reinforce a child's sense of self-worth! I'm not done... Displaying family portraits also creates a visual reminder that a child is a valued member of their family and it fosters a strong sense of belonging and security which are crucial for healthy emotional development.
Furthermore, looking at family photos helps kids understand their place in their family and develop a sense of family identity which is particularly important during times of transition like blending families or adoption. TOUCHING AND FEELING physical photos evokes a stronger emotional connection and helps facilitate memory recall. (Is your mind blown yet?? I'll keep going...)
Experts Vickey Easa and Dr. Jaclyn Gulotta express that consistently seeing family portraits helps children feel important and valuable. Is that not what we want for our children every day of their lives? This also assists in the development of a strong core belief system that will aid them throughout their lives.
This. Is. So. Freaking. COOL! I nerd out on things like this because it reinforces why I do what I do. We already know that photography is important. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of family Photographers in Orange County that will take your photos. Then what? Where do they go?
At Shy Heart Studios, I am so beyond proud to remind you all that we are full-service Orange County family photographers. We believe that preserving your memories in print is of the utmost importance. My own children get albums from me every year, and I can tell you that they get so much joy from flipping through their albums on a regular basis. Our childrens mental health and emotional wellbeing is essential to raising them to be well rounded, confident adults. If something like having photos up can help build their confidence and give them a sense of belonging - why WOULDN'T you want them plastered all over your walls?
The struggle is this: overwhelm. What do I print? How do I print? Where do I print them? Photographers who don't print for you are doing you a huge disservice. #sorrynotsorry. Simply telling you it's important to print doesn't solve your problem. Thats why when you work with us at Shy Heart Studios, we take that burden off your shoulders. We design and print your gorgeous family albums. We have our clients snap a photo of the wall they want to hang a beautiful 3-piece canvas collection and then we design it and make sure it fits to perfection and have it shipped directly to your home. This is what we call a full-service photography experience. We learn about you and your family, we capture stunning portraits that are authentic, unique and make your freaking heart sing, and then we design and create heirloom artwork that will help your children grow up feeling valued, important, confident, and proud of who they are and the family they come from.
So, if you're local and looking for a family photographer in Orange County who will give you the best photography experience and stunning freaking prints and artwork... you found us. And PS - we know you still want to show them on social media, so don't worry... we will provide you with the absolute best of both worlds. We put the emphasis on the printed artwork because it's what matters most... and we kick you some shareables too.
Want to know another fun fact? 100% of Shy Heart Studios family portrait clients get printed artwork from their sessions.
I hope you enjoyed this post and these inspiration photos!
If you're interested in booking a full-service family portrait session in Orange County, send us a note! We'd love to serve you and create artwork that will make all of your friends jealous ;-)